Charlotte Mason NE Florida

When I started educating with Charlotte Mason as my guide I didn't know many people who knew about her philosophy or methods.  Fast forward 17 years - and we have a growing number of Charlotte Mason groups all over the NE Florida area with new groups forming as we speak.  Education is a life - and we want that life to be full and peaceful!

I hope that you are able to participate in one of the offerings this weekend.  All are welcome to come to the Cummer on Friday night and be surrounded by many Charlotte Mason Educators.  Sunday's CM 101 session at Redeemer Church has space for more interested persons.  

It is an incredible joy to share the wisdom of Nancy Kelly with you.  Gathering after the events to narrate what you learn is a wonderful way to cement your knowledge - and share with others. 

Heather Johnson January 2023


July’s New Books