
Cranberries, Fresh rolls, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Turkey and Dressing — these are absolute required parts of our holiday feast. I’m not sure if I have ever made exactly the same recipes — but we do keep the standard fare adding in a vegetable or two, and dessert.

But let’s talk about the cranberry. This small very tart fruit grown in northern bogs has earned its place on my table in many forms. We have a family recipe in which cranberries, a whole naval orange and a whole apple (minus the core) are pulverized in the food processor. Then sugar is stirred in and the mixture is refridgerated until its ready to serve. Simple and delicious. Each year I tend to add less sugar - and love the fresh bright taste!

Make it stand out

Cranberry - cooked….. will it be sweet and spicy or savory? Will it have pears, or nuts, or wine? There are many cranberry chutney recipies to enjoy! I’ll make at least one.

Cranberry - canned - with those famous rings! THIS brings up family memories for my husband — I’m happy to serve up some family traditions.

Florida has the right growing season to have Thai Roselle or Cranberry Hibiscus ready now. These bright red caylces are fleshy and tart! They make a lovely sour red tea, and can also be substituted for any recipe calling for cranberries.

Thanksgiving brings the begining of the holiday story reading. When my kids were young we had 25 Christmas Books wrapped up and they would open one each night as we prepared for Christmas. Lately Bill has been reading to me out of anthologies of Christmas Stories. This year we will delve into Behold that Star Edited by the Bruderhof. I’m looking forward to time listening to stories that bring the traditions of Christmas from many different voices.

This year’s Christmas Anthology to enjoy!

Happy Thanksgiving!


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Habits of a Life-Giving Home